By Irene Leching’ei a young resident of Kokwa Island. “The fact that the Ilchamus community is well known for practicing female circumcision does not give room for us to be called primitive, we have always had reason behind the practice”, says Naataana Lenariach Kokwa community elderly lady. In the Ilchamus community, circumcision is a rite … More FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION (FGM) IN ILCHAMUS COMMUNITY

Observations of a young Christian on impact of missionary work at Kokwa Island

By Jotham Wambugu a student of the University of Kabianga who is on industrial attachment with Necofa Kenya. The state of Religion in Kenya The predominant Religion in Kenya is Christianity, which is adhered to by an estimated 82.6% of the total population. Islam is the second largest religion in Kenya, practiced by about 11.1% … More Observations of a young Christian on impact of missionary work at Kokwa Island

Background to Kokwa Island mapping exercise

By George Giita, Intern Necofa Kenya. In realization of minimal interaction, presence and awareness about Kokwa Island and its community to the outside world including many Kenyans, Necofa-Kenya in collaboration with Friends of Kenya Schools and Wildlife (FKSW) and the Kenya Dream Team from the US decided to do something about this situation. In their … More Background to Kokwa Island mapping exercise